The mysterious charm of Whitehorse's urban foxes

On the streets of Whitehorse, Yukon, urban foxes have become a common sight for residents and visitors to the city. These fascinating creatures have adapted to urban life and thrive in this surprisingly good environment.
Although foxes are often associated with rural areas, urban foxes are becoming increasingly common in cities, and Whitehorse is no exception. Urban foxes in the Yukon are definitely more social than their rural counterparts and because of our location they have thicker coats to withstand the harsh winters of the region.
These foxes have also learned to take advantage of the benefits of city life. Food scraps left behind restaurants and residences are an easy source of food, while inhabited, abandoned buildings and green spaces provide shelter for breeding and raising their young. With the region’s harsh climate, foxes have made use of human infrastructure to keep warm, such as under the tree near outdoor vents where warm air escapes.
Urban foxes in the Yukon are also fascinating. Unlike their rural counterparts, they are more tolerant of humans and can often be observed up close. So close, in fact, that they will step on your feet. They are also more active during the day, allowing wildlife photographers more time to capture their unique behavior.

However, it is important to note that these foxes are still wild animals and should be treated with respect and caution. Residents and visitors to the city should avoid feeding the foxes and getting too close to them to avoid any risk of aggression. Their life expectancy is only three years because of this and because of car accidents. But their main predator are the coyotes that also roam around the city center.
All in all, the Yukon urban foxes in the city of Whitehorse offer a fascinating subject for wildlife photographers but also for local residents. They have successfully adapted to life in the city and have become an integral part of the local community. However, it is important to treat them with respect and caution to ensure everyone’s safety.